Saturday, May 3, 2008


I get hiccups more than anyone else I know. Also, whenever I get them, I get them multiple times in a day. It is currently 2.48pm and I have the hiccups for the 3rd (THIRD) time today! I have always wondered why I get hiccups so often and what causes them in the first place, so naturally, I googled it. There are some different ideas about where they come from, but they really don't know for sure. The eMedicine site says that hiccups could be caused by eating too fast, eating too much fatty food, or drinking too much alcohol. I haven't done any of those things today. Maybe I just swallow a lot of air. Either way, it's irritating.

When I was little, I used to get hiccups so much that I would get ANGRY, and then my hiccups would get worse to the point of being painful to my throat and stomach, and then I would either cry or punch myself in the stomach. Neither of those are recommended remedies on the eMedicine website.

They do list other remedies, however: "Hold your breathe. Drink a glass of water quickly. Become frightened. Use smelling salts. Pull hard on your tongue. Place one-half teaspoon of dry sugar on the back of your tongue. (You can repeat this process 3 times at 2-minute intervals. Use corn syrup, not sugar, in young children.)" Alright, the first 3, I've heard before. Smelling salts? I'm not even really sure what those are. I have no idea what pulling on your tongue would do. And the last one sounds disgusting. I've heard of eating a big spoonful of peanut butter before, which sounds much better to me.

They also didn't list my favorite remedy. I swear by it, mainly because it's hilarious and really difficult to do the first time you try it. I used this remedy this morning when I got the hiccups twice while I was at work. My co-workers and the customers looked at me like I was crazy, so I think this remedy is best performed in a public place because then you're doing everyone a little bit of good. Basically, you drink from the wrong side of the glass. No, you do not just turn the glass to drink from the side that was previously across from you. That doesn't do anything special. You have to lean ALL THE WAY OVER the glass so that the glass remains upright and you don't spill all over everything, and tip the glass toward your now upside down mouth. I hope that makes sense. Be careful not to get water up your nose if you try it.

I'll try to think of more things to post about so I stop feeling lonely all by myself in Florida...

1 comment:

ekuehn said...

so i have a good friend here at school and we have most all our classes together and we intern at the same place and she has chronic hiccups. yup, she's had them for over ten years. she only does one hiccup at a time, but they happen about once an hour if not more frequently. its sorta funny, but really disruptive in a serious place because she has super squeaky high-pitched little "MEE" noises. she's been to tons of doctors, they gave up trying to make it go away...