Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I had a couple of thoughts I figured I'd write down. They're not profound by any means. I just thought them up:

Why are bugs not afraid of us but birds and most other animals in the wild are? Why will bugs not become afraid of us when we swat at them and try to get them away from our faces? Are their lives so short and meaningless that they don't even value them enough to fear for them? I mean, they serve an important purpose of pollinating and helping decompose and other buggy things, so it's good they're around, and maybe they should value their little lives a little more and stay clear of my mouth and ears when I'm walking to class.

Why does it happen that, while at work at Starbucks, you'll have a lull time and then 5 people completely unconnected to one another will come in all at once? Why can't they trickle in slowly, rather than all coming at the same time? I just always wondered if people wait around outside for other people to show up so they don't walk in by themselves. Seriously. It always happens.

My knee started hurting today. Out of no where. I was riding along in Matt's car, and it just started hurting more and more until my stomach clenched and I thought I might puke (so also, why does pain cause nausea? Am I the only one that happens to?), and now it's more of a dull throb. But I did nothing to bring on this pain! It's the knee I had surgery on in high school, and I always joke that I can tell the weather with it, but I wasn't being serious. It has since thunder stormed like there's no tomorrow, but now it's over, so this knee pain can go away now, please.

Why is appearance so closely linked with self-esteem? And speaking of self-esteem, some psychological research is suggesting that too high of self-esteem can be as bad as to low of self-esteem. If you already think you're great, you're not likely to work very hard in school or be bothered by bad grades. Also, bullies can often have really really high self-esteems so they have an over-inflated sense of self-importance. It makes sense, if you think about it. It's all about balance because self-esteem and humility.

Alright, I've spent enough time putting off my homework. I'd much rather take a nap, but I'm at the library, and I think that's frowned upon. This place is no IU "Wells" library stacks.

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